Linkert DC Carb Parts

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The Linkert DC - In service on various Harley Davidson models  1957 -1966 ---  1957-1966 Servicar, 1957-1965 Sportster, 1966 Shovelhead

Copy of original 1960s Harley DC performance/race modification bulletin click here

Copy of original 1957 DC float adjustment instructions click here.

Overhaul  kit with heavy duty gaskets  for all Linkert DC carbs.
DC-Overhaul KIT
Kit Includes :
Bowl screws
Bowl gasket
Body gasket
Bowl nut gasket
Intake manifold gasket
Drain screw
Throttle shaft.
Idle passage plug.
Throttle shaft screws
Throttle shaft spring.
Needle & seat assembly.
Needle & seat gasket
Throttle arm lock & idle screws
Overflow vent tube screws
Includes overflow tube  gasket.
Includes o-ring packing for high speed  

$ 84.00

# 1,2,8,53
Throttle Cable Block End
Attach inner choke or throttle cable to throttle arm. Includes screw & cotter pin.
OEM # 27450-36

$ 12.95


OEM 27382-61
(also  replaces 27382-57 )
Correct needle and seat for all Linkert DC carbs with steel tip needle as original. Dual gas ports for better fuel flow as that was a problem on many Linkert DC carbs. May also be used with Linkert M-series carbs when connecting directly to fuel line without having to use an adapter.
Our own and unavailable anywhere else.
Price shown at right.

Our new 27382-61 needle & seat shown in both styles of Linkert bowls.

M-series on the left and DC model on the right.
Includes 27402-33 gasket.

$ 21.95

OEM # 1073W / 1074W
( # 024 )
Idle screw
USA Made
Pack of 2  -   $  3.95

#4 & 11
OEM # 1207W / 7021
Float Bowl Screw Set
 1957 to 1966

Linkert DC carburetors
USA Made
$ 8.95  Set of 4


OEM # 2574W
 Choke & Throttle Shaft
Correct length, slot head,
Stainless Steel, with soft steel lock washers.
( See NOS parts page)
 USA Made

  $ 3 .95 / 4


OEM # 2578B
 Choke & Throttle Shaft
Correct length, slot head,
Stainless Steel, with soft steel lock washers.
USA Made
  $ 3 .95 / 4

#11 & #4
NOS OEM # 1207W / 7021
Float Bowl Screw Set
 1957 to 1966

Linkert DC carburetors
Cad Plate

 USA Made

$  15.00  Set of 4

OEM # 27344-57
Clamp plate, nozzle vent

 $ 8.00 Each

OEM # 6227
Throttle Shaft Washer
( See NOS parts page)

# 6 Split Lockwasher
OEM # 7010
(Indian 102431)
For use with
993 / 997 screws.
USA Made
Pack of 20  -  $ 1.50

OEM # 7789
Nut, 3/8 x 24

OEM# 27225-57

All  DC1M-DC12
NOS OEM choke disc

$ 50.00

NOS  Body gasket
 1957 to 1966

Linkert DC carburetors
All except DC2
OEM # 27205-57
USA Made

 $  4.00 Each

Body gasket

$ 3.15

NOS  Body gasket
 1957 to 1966

Linkert DC carburetors
OEM # 27205-59
USA Made

 $  4.00 Each

OEM # 27260-57 Assembly
NOS Throttle lever assembly
NOS w/ new screws & NOS Spring

$ 35.00

DC Model Needle & seat
All DC Carbs
# 27382-61

$ 35.00

OEM # 27280-57
NOS Throttle disc, 9A

$ 38.00

OEM # 27280-57
Throttle disc, 9A

  $ 29.95

# 27291-32
Spring, throttle shaft.
All Linkerts including 57-66 DC models. 1931-1966
USA Made
  $ 2.95

OEM # 27297-57
Needle valve, high speed.
Stainless steel
USA Made
$ 21.95

# 26 & #27

NOS Linkert DC Needle Housing Set
Includes Part numbers
 27302-57 & 27301-57

$ 10.00

OEM # 27329-57
NOS Gasket, nozzle vent

  USA Made


OEM # 27303-57
HS Packing ring
( Replacement - O-ring )
USA Made
$  1.05

OEM # 27317-57A
Fixed Jet #4
DC1L, DC6, DC10, DC12

( See NOS parts page)
 USA Made

$  11.95

OEM # 27316-59
Linkert Fixed Jet #20
 DC2 Carb Only

USA Made

$  11.95

OEM # 27326-54
Linkert Carb Fixed Jet #9
 DC1 Carb Only

USA Made

$  11.95

  Jet # 1
OEM #  27318-41 ( 1249-41 )
Used in DC1M carb

 USA Made
$  11.95

NOS OEM # 27317-57A
Fixed Jet #4
DC1L, DC6, DC10, DC12
USA Made

$  15.00

OEM # ( No Harley number )
NOS DC overflow vent tube for fuel bowl.
This is the one inside the bowl.

$ 3.00

NOS OEM # 27323-57

Tube, idle passage
USA Made

 $ 8.95

OEM # 27324-57
Idle tube.


Idle Passage Plug
OEM # 27325-33 ( 1251-33 )
All 1930-65 Including Linkert DC models.

$ 4.75 Each
USA Made

OEM # 27329-57
Seal, nozzle vent
This is an o-ring replacement.
Seals better.
( See NOS parts page)
USA Made
$  1.25

OEM 27331-57
Correct main nozzle for all Linkert DC carbs except DC2. (Note that we deepened the slot slightly to help prevent the stripping common to these. We also carry the special tap to clean the body threads.)
( See NOS parts page)
 USA Made

$ 22.95

OEM # 27339-57
Needle valve, low speed.
Stainless steel
USA Made
$ 21.95


Linkert L&L DC Carburetor
Stainless Steel  Needle Set
 1 - 27297-57 High Speed
1 27339-57 Low Speed

$ 39.95

OEM # 27343-57A
Nozzle vent housing

$ 35.00

Main nozzle
OEM # 27331-57
DC1, DC1L, DC1M, DC4,
DC6, DC7, DC10, DC12

$ 35.

# 27405-26
Bowl Nut Spring
USA Made

  $ 2.25 Each

OEM # 27349-57
Spring, low speed needle valve

OEM # 27351-57 ( # 024 )
Screw, throttle lever
USA Made

$ 2.35

OEM # 27370-57 Type 1
Bowl, Early
DC1, DC1L, DC1M Only
Cleaned, but NOS

$ 125.00


OEM # 27390-57 Type 2
Bowl, Late
Cleaned, but NOS

 $ 90.00

OEM # 27374-57
Carb Bowl Nut  Gasket
 1957 to 1966

Linkert DC carburetors
USA Made

$ 3.25  Each

OEM # 27375-57
Carburetor bowl nut
USA Made

$ 13.95

# 27402-57
Carb Bowl Stud Gasket
 1957 to 1966
For  OVERSIZE repair stud.

USA made

$ 3.95

OEM # 27375-57OS
Stud, carburetor body, oversize.
Bowl nut threads stripped out ? Here is the fix. This one has larger threads for the carb body and by simply running a tap down for the  stud, then running a tap down for the main nozzle, your carb body is fixed. Use the gasket included and no other modifications.
USA Made

$ 14.95

OEM # 27376-57

Carburetor bowl gasket
USA Made

$ 3.15

OEM # 27376-57
NOS Float Bowl gasket
 1957 to 1966

Linkert DC carburetors
USA Made

 $  3.50 Each

27375-57  Repair Set
Stock size stud, main nozzle tap, spring, nozzle, gasket
 For when you have to drill out the nozzle.

$ 55.00

OEM # 27375-57OS N/S KIT
Stud repair kit, carburetor body, oversize.
Main nozzle, & tap. oversize repair stud & tap, oversize gasket, new spring.
Bowl nut threads stripped out ? Here is the fix. The stud has larger threads for the carb body and the kit even includes the tap for the stud and the tap to clean up threads for the main nozzle.

$ 60.00

27375-57OS Kit
 Oversize repair stud and tap set. Includes spring & oversize gasket.
Rethread 1-2 threads over length of bowl nut threads.

$ 35.00

NOS OEM # 27339-57
Needle valve, low speed.
USA Made

$ 34.95

OEM # 27377-57
Drain Plug Screw
 1957 to 1966

Linkert DC carburetors
USA Made
Includes Gasket

$ 1.85 Each

OEM # 27380-57, Used
  $ 45.00 Used


DC Model Float Lever Assembly
OEM #  27381-57

$ 90.00

OEM # 27387-57
Nut, Float

  $ 1.00

OEM # 27412-57
Insulating spacer
XL , XLH use 1
 XLCH uses 3
Shovelhead uses 2
Can also be used in place of 27412-59 on servicar ( uses 2 )
These are original  NOS Harley Davidson
USA Made

$ 5.00 Each

OEM # 27412-57
Insulating spacer
XL , XLH use 1
 XLCH uses 3
Shovelhead uses 2
Can also be used in place of 27412-59 on servicar ( uses 2 )
These are original  NOS Harley Davidson
USA Made

$ 3.50 Each

Carburetor Mounting Kit
CMK -1
1957-65 XL, XLH Sportster
1 each - 27412-57 insulator
2 each 27410-57 intake gasket

USA Made

$ 9.95
Out of Stock

Carburetor Mounting Kit
CMK -2
1957-65 XLCH Sportster
3 each - 27412-57 insulator
4 each 27410-57 intake gasket

USA Made

$ 16.95
Out of Stock

Carburetor Mounting Kit
CMK -3
1966 Shovelhead Big Twin
2 each - 27412-57 insulator
3  each 27410-57 intake gasket

USA Made

$ 13.95
Out of Stock9

OEM# 29069-58
All  DC1M-DC12
NOS OEM air cleaner choke lever

$ 55.00

3 left

OEM# 29016-58
All  DC1M-DC12
NOS OEM air cleaner choke housing


$ 55.00

3 left

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